Sunday, March 6, 2011

Whats The Best Emmanuelle Movie?

Custody of electronic documents in the electronic Web sites

somewhat slow, but very firm way, many companies are turning their Web Digital Headquarters and then begin to be more aware of the power and safety that actually have precisely with daily use of both the organization and for its customers.
have reduced shipments of a brutal way unsafe or inappropriate email and greatly improved the way their clients work, they see how they can always access your provider's headquarters to find, download or upload any information wish.
They've lost a file received by e ? connect to the provider's electronic site and there it is signed, safe, saved, always available.
recently raised a number of comments on a client in a digital web site as needed access to an old document that he knew he had been in the digital home of the provider but could not find him. Began the feast and the performances.
"But I thought that all documents are saved forever home, or at least I thought! "
really the problem that could have given (the infrastructure that supports digital headquarters was Masbytes and had saved all information) is because there is a serious ambiguity in the services offered on the Internet , especially with SaaS growth and activation of many services "in the cloud." masbytesDataCenter
really all that say that save your data are saved FOREVER?
Here there are all sorts of strategies, but first of all look fine the service contract signed with the vendor that on many occasions unspecified more than "a daily backup is performed, but that does not clarify (without malice usually) what is the scope of that backup, which is the period of retention of documents that backup, how long it will be feasible to recover some of that backup, the backup when "there gone "another" most recent "took its place (although it might not exist in all documents the first one ..).
When formalized an agreement with an infrastructure that will launch Web Electronic Headquarters for the world of SMEs, we emphasize the importance of "backup type" to be connected to the digital home service , and insist that clarify the true extent of that backup.
Many customers do not know that a good part of his "living information" resides in a week as long backups, and the next backup that is made "substitute" or "crushed" the former. This service is perfectly valid for the vast majority of customers in a digital home, but insufficient when completamete you commit as an organization to guard for x years, all records generated for your clients, in addition to those that the customer has "high" for the digital home with the confidence that your backups and save them "will always be there."
Nadie está libre de riesgo
Nobody is risk free
worst strategy No ambiguity on these issues , and you can lose a customer clean (and we will not enter into legal claims) if "thought" after Read the contract ambiguous, the backup that was made of information saved forever, or at least 5 years that many administrations required in certain documents.
Electronic Venues SME Web in the world are making great strides demonstrably Masbytes in their day to day, but has been very recently when it has "connected" to the system headquarters web electronic service CUSTODY Records, which will allow much more clearly define the minimum retention periods for documents and that neither the owners of the venues, or customers of these, misled, knowing that your information will be around the period fixed and secured in 2 data centers and remote sync.
This fundamental change in the E-SME Headquarters, which has excellent infrastructure analiTICs21 promote ( Masbytes , nlink , CITINavarra ), comes almost at the same time incorporating as Tractis fundamental element in the authentication certificates from many countries worldwide, providing access to electronic ID card for customers without them having had to install the drivers of DNIe, the element defining a use case is very negative.
the contrary, by means Tractis authentication certificates, which use the command APDU's DNIe The experience is so overwhelmingly different, which is what leads us to propose the world:
! instaleis No drivers DNIe please, because your user experience with us will be extraordinary " !
But back to the central element of the article, the connection of the Web Digital Seled ecoPFN special services of longtime backup.

customers a Digital Office should have special abilities About
have raised a service of Digital Headquarters should be aware that there are a few critical services without which we really talking about an Electronic Office, but a swap space (Dropbox, google doc example) or a simple FTP space. Specifically, it should be:
Upload and anytime, from anywhere, through secure access and strong authentication, digital certificates, including solids, including DNIe.
Electronically sign any file: Users of Digital Headquarters will be able to sign anything at the moment to decide, from anywhere.
Encrypt and decrypt files: As much as is our confidence in the infrastructure maintaining the systems, it is vital that we have ability to encrypt / decrypt the information that will be housed, so that even a technician is undesirable in a position to see their data. Make
automated backups: The infrastructure must save the data by automatic means, either a backup "normal" or using an escrow service documentary keep all your information a defined period of years.
Create unlimited accounts at no additional cost : There are hundreds of customers and employees? then be able to automatically create accounts for them to connect and download information simply, and even sign documents or contracts effectively, through a user / password and / or certified mail. Top
hundreds or thousands of files automatically : And to be signed or encrypted (or both), notifying customers automatically.
Authentication with Certificates: Any certified mail, including DNIe (provided that the issuing entity validation services include certificates in real time, unlike the FNMT-) should be used to identify the Digital Headquarters as one of the key elements that remind us developments ATMs.
Control which occurs at Headquarters: have full control of what happens, who has access, what that user has downloaded, what is up this client .., and definitely good traceability features simple yet linked to information and users is very important.

When we decided as an organization come forward to having our headquarters Digital Web (Web Electronic Office) , it is essential learn basics such as guaranteed bandwidth, download speed and quality of service, as there are who installs this functionality in your own business and watch desperate than the quality of service and quality rate is horrible, plus causing a bottleneck in its ADSL and lose prestige among its customers.
The images we see in this article are a stronger infrastructure that currently offer the service to SMEs Web ecoPFN Digital Headquarters ( Masbytes ) in Spain , being an experienced ISP.
Lines redundant backup service not only custody but are their biggest differentiator, which prevents loss of documents to keep everyone, even those deleted from the headquarters by a user.

Communications excellent
In this picture we see 2010 in Masbytes data from one of its lines, which displays incoming and outgoing data. 2Mb customers are guaranteed, although they can hire more for your Digital Office if they wish.
Identical information other lines, which provide additional security.

A service line
future has not yet come to SMEs so clear the need for its Online Office , but that's happening now, at least in Spain , where the confluence of measures, legislation, government initiatives and Law 11/2007 are creating a rich context. If we add the deep crisis ( economic / political / institutional ) and increased services on the Internet, the Digital Office Web will be a reality for thousands.
that mean that companies will not use the Electronic Headquarters public administration? No way!
These new services are gradually being activated and walk in the same direction, giving them experience in practice, but do not come into use so versatile that the SME needs in terms of their information and their customers.
Digital Venues Web as we see in this article, which offers Masbytes SMEs worldwide (in different languages), already have several tools and APIs that enable a firm rise in automated mode hundreds or thousands of documents to the Electronic Office, even from your ERP, be signed and lodged in each of the areas customers, which will be automatically notified of this event and know that both invoices and other files are already in custody platform available online. Many
Consulting (labor, tax, etc.) that are activated in the first instance its Web Digital Headquarters, as they usually are a type of advanced enterprise, effective, jealous of the performance and cost reduction, which is sensitive about security and legal compliance!
But they are just the vanguard! A they will add up to thousands of companies by a few euros a month will have this new service, this new the business paradigm of the future that will have a physical location but also a modern Electronic Office .
Finally, it is important to be extremely careful and be aware of if you have a backup or a service Custody Documentary "connected to" Digital Headquarters as a simple backup never save all the information but is limited to have the data for the last week or last month. This means that if we see that ten months ago is accidentally deleted a file and will not be recoverable because the information will usually have backup a few weeks ago.
Documentary Custody service, such as that offered Masbytes connected to the Web online offices ecoPFN for SMEs, we will increase the retention period of files, either one or five years.
Sede Digital y su utilizacion
not get left behind in the process of having your own Web Online Office, including advanced service that will offer your customers and your own organization. Constantly differentiate ourselves from our competecia and bring new value to our customers are key measures in the current situation!
is emerging a new way of doing , a new way of relating to our customers, providing signature and encryption capabilities, saving paper so extraordinary and improving safety, as one of the synthesis of both technological change and crisis.
witnessing this off and you better be aware of it .


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