Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sample Spanish Civil Ceremony

The Taung child

Perpetrated by Oskarele

Raymond Dart (1893-1988), anatomist and anthropologist from Australia, was head of the department of anatomy at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1924. That year he received a small but nearly complete skull of what looked like a child, his face intact, a lower jaw and what is called "endocasts" (a natural cast of the brain). Had been found in a limestone quarry on the edge of the Kalahari desert, in a place called Taung. Dart

realized when it was not a skull of a child "human" but must belong to some kind of ancestor of man.

But neither looked like a Homo Erectus as Dubois had found in Java a few decades before, but something much older and simian.

addition, this individual had all the baby teeth and I were finishing out the wheels, so they had to have calculated that about 3 or 4 years.

Finally, he realized that the skull could be positioned directly on the spine, indicating an upright position, which barred him from the apes.

So without thinking twice, assigned dating back two million years ago and named it "Australopithecus africanus " (meaning something like "South African ape-man").

wrote an article for the journal Nature (February 7, 1925, published) in which he called the remains of the "Taung Child", as it began to be called as "human surprisingly, considering that it was necessary to create a family completely new to explain, Homo simiadae (ape men).

was treated even worse than it was Dubois.

A scientific authorities resented almost every aspect of his theory, as well as himself. Be cast into a pompous side the callback request by Curran's research and analysis without asking anyone for help. Even the name he chose, Australopithecus, indicated for the beasts lack of academic precision, mixing Greek and Latin ... but above all he was questioned because his ideas were swept, the current scientific beliefs: all accepted at the time that humans and apes had "separated" for some 15 million years ago in Asia.

More than anything because if humans left Africa we had we would all "negroid", thought the lights the moment ... for the love of God.

was simply something that did not fit with what was known at that time.

Only twelve years later when Robert Broom , physician and palaeontologist of Scottish origin, a man of remarkable intelligence and wonderfully eccentric character (he was, for example, the habit of doing fieldwork, when it was hot, totally naked) discovered another adult specimen of the same species in the Sterkfontein cave, Dart's discovery was accepted, and both samples were classified as Australopithecus africanus, the first fossil of the subfamily australopithecines belonging to the hominid family.

Broom was an accomplished paleontologist, and also lived in South Africa, was able to personally examine the skull of the Taung Child in situ. Immediately realized that was as important as supposed Dart and spoke forcefully in defense of the theories of this, but without success.

Moreover, during the next half century is still considered that the Taung child was a chimpanzee. Dart insisted on the matter, to the point of spending five years writing a monograph that nobody wanted to publish.

The skull of the Taung child spent years serving as a paperweight on the desk Dart.

Today is considered one of the most important treasures of anthropology.

Furthermore, Broom's career seemed finished, but thanks to Dart, who had some hand in the South African government took a position as assistant to Broom Palaeontology Transvaal Museum in Pretoria, in 1934.

Eventually the luck finally smiled at Broom: in 1937 discovered some debris (large jaw), a proto-human who at first thought that did not belong to the genus Australopithecus. He called it " Paranthropus robustu s "(something like half-human robust) and dated it between 2 and 1.2 million years old.

was the first species discovered in the genus Paranthropus.

But also, soon after, in April 1947, made a series of spectacular finds, including fragments from six hominids at Sterkfontein (known today as the "Cradle of Humanity" and "World Heritage" by the UNESCO), which he called "Plesianthropus transvaalensis" but were later classified as Australopithecus africanus adults, highlighting a nearly complete skull, which was colloquially called "Mrs Ples " (at "plesianthropus").

had a length of between 2.6 and 2.8 million years. It should be noted that the sex of the skull is not completely determined and, in fact, Mrs Ples Ples may be the Lord.

addition, X-ray analysis of the roots of the teeth of Mrs Ples suggest it was a subadult, hence the name "Miss Ples" is also possible.

Around the same time, 1946, proposed the subfamily of the australopithecines to explain these findings. The remainder of Broom's career was devoted to the exploration of these deposits and the interpretation of many early hominid remains were found.

the Taung child AND MRS PLES junticos

More info and sources here: here: http : / / / wiki / Ni% C3% B1o_de_Taung here: here: / Paranthropus_robustus and here: .

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PLES AND MRS LOUIS ARMSTRONG (1901-1971) - U.S. - trumpet and

ByCineclásicajazz Pizcadelodemás

You try to find some words that do justice to the greatness of this musician, and realizes that there is already a phrase, is only sufficient, which is defined to perfection and was dedicated as much as Duke Ellington "was born poor, died rich and never hurt anyone along the way", perhaps you could add on that road also made us happy for many.

Louis is a figure that has long been highly contested by some black jazz musicians to criticize his eternal smile, his apparent submission to whites, bold image that may well happen that we do well, but the reality is that he was undoubtedly one of the biggest contributors to his art that jazz is today what it is, and who managed to others who have criticized work.

Armstrong Miles Davis said "You can not touch anything with a horn that Louis has not played" is that for many, Louis only one who sings Hello Dolly or the well-worn but glorious "What a wonderful world", but beyond of their songs was a splendid trumpet and that only enhanced the song when his upper lip was destroyed by the mouthpiece of the trumpet. Bing Crosby said of him "It's the only musician who ever lived can not be replaced by someone" and certainly not have been so many musicians after him.

called him Satchmo (also Pops) by the confusion of a journalist on a European tour. Louis had a mouth a little excessive, he would present himself as "Satchelmouth" coming to mean something like bag mouth. The fact is that a British journalist with little ear for the accent of the southern United States, understood "Satchmo" and this was in his chronicle that served to rename this great genius of contemporary music.

say that jazz is about Armstrong and the Louis commented one day when asked in an interview "What is Jazz?" - "If you have, you ask, you'll never know." And he was right. Other phrases


There are only two ways to sum up music: either it is good or bad. If you do not give good round, just enjoy it.

All music is folk music. I never heard a horse sing a song.

Money is not something that gives me happiness. You can buy a liquor better than buying the drunk on the corner, but when you die, you will like him.

Musicians do not retire, they stop when there is no music in them.

My whole life, my whole soul, my whole spirit is to blow this instrument.

For those interested there I leave a link to your photo album that has been dedicated to him: # / album.php? Aid = 27508 & id = 100001697823590 & 139841996082394 fbid =

original publication here on the website of our partner:

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Oskarele perpetrated by a cavity in the rock, inside of the Holy Cave of Covadonga, in the bush Auseva, located in the beautiful Asturias, northern Spain, rest, presumably the remains of King Pelayo, those of his wife, and of Ermesinda, sister of the king. "LIES AQVI Pelai MR DON KING, 716 Ellet THE YEAR THAT BEGAN IN THIS MIRACULOUS THE RESTAVRACION Cuebas BENCA THE MOORS OF SPAIN, DIED YEAR AND ACCOMPANYING SS 737 M / GER Y ROTHERS."

A few meters away is the image of the beloved Santina, the Virgin of Covadonga, the patron saint of the region and greatly loved by the Asturian.

The question is: Why is buried this mythical founder of the Kingdom Astur, traditionally considered the initiator of the so-called Reconquista, in the same place where they worship an alleged Marian apparition?

The answer offered half tradition, legends and history. Let's see what happened, allegedly, of course.

The Chronicle of Alfonso III, a historical document that is attributed to the King Alfonso III, covering a space of time from the reign of Wamba until the end of the reign of Ordoño I, we read:

"... Pelayo, having escaped the Muslims and seeking refuge in Asturias, is elected king by an assembly, and organizing the resistance of the Asturian on Mount Auseva in the "Cova dominica (Covadonga). March an army against him innumerable, commanded by Alcama, Terec partner, and which will also Opas, son of Witiza and Metropolitan of Toledo and Seville, who maintains a dramatic dialogue with Pelayo. Mediation failed attempted by Opas, the battle begins, but the arrows and stones hurled by slings back to hurt the attackers, who fled eventually being killed and imprisoned Alcama Opas. Coming down the mountain Auseva fugitives to reach Liebana, a mountain collapsed on them, killing 63,000 Chaldeans ... "

In this text we find the key of this story quite troubling, indeed, said that after beginning the struggle between the Asturian and the Muslim conquerors, "the arrows and stones hurled by slings back to hurt the attackers, who eventually died away leaving Alcama and Opas prisoner. Coming down the mountain Auseva fugitives to reach Liebana, a mountain collapsed on them, killing 63,000 Chaldeans

...". Let Parts: Don Pelayo, of which there are many well-known when he was born, according to legend , was a noble Visigoth of Asturias, son of the Duke Favila (Faffila, according to the Chronicle Albeldense, also written in the reign of Alfonso III). It seems that fought with the armies of King Rodrigo, last Visigoth king at the Battle of Guadalete in April or May of 711, where the king died and that was a major victory for the Muslim invaders.

After the battle, Pelayo Asturias pa shot, but not before some time in Toledo shelter, guarding, presumably, the treasure of the Visigoth king died. Asturias had been taken by Muslims, by Muza raids between 712 and 714, which forced the nobles astures to capitulate, including, possibly, Don Pelayo. But problems soon arose. Thus, in 718, Munuza, the Moro chieftain of the area, married, again according to legend, by force Pelayo's sister, Adosinda. This caused the first revolt led by the future leader of Asturias, which failed, ending with the arrest of this, he was taken to Cordova.

is not known well as many, but he escaped and returned to Asturias, where he organized a second revolt, taking refuge in the mountains of Covadonga and Cangas de Onis. It appears that in 722 Munuza sent to General Al Qama to subdue these rebels Asturian, who were refugees in the Mountain Auseva.

This mountain was the Cave of Covadonga, a supposed former place of worship, which, presumably, surrender and worship of a little virgin: Tradition says that Don Pelayo, chasing a criminal who had taken refuge there, he met a hermit who worshiped at one small statue of the Virgin Mary. Begged the hermit Pelayo to forgive the wrongdoer, because he had invoked the protection of the Virgin, and said that one day that he too would need to seek shelter in the cave ... it is not clear whether it was a previous cult or not. The truth is that "Covadonga" means "Cave of the Lady", as it comes from the Latin "Cova Dominica."

Indeed, according to legend, took refuge in the cave during the so-called rebels Battle of Covadonga in 722. What happened next explains why the association between Don Pelayo and the Virgen de Covadonga, Santina: Another chronicle of Alfonso III, the Chronicle of Albelda, dated from 881:

"Alqama entered with 187,000 men Asturias . Pelayo was with his companions on Mount Auseva and Alkama's army came to him and raised numerous shops opposite the entrance of a cave. Oppas Bishop rose to a mound in front of the cave and spoke to Rodrigo, "Pelayo, Pelayo, where are you?". The questioned looked out a window and said, "Here I am." The bishop then said, "I conclude, brother and son, that you are not hiding how recently the whole of Spain was united under the rule of the Goths and brighter than other countries for their doctrine and science, which, however, met all the army of the Goths, could not sustain the momentum of the Ismailis, can you defend you at the top of this mountain? I find it difficult. Take my advice: go back to your agreement, you will enjoy many goods and enjoy the friendship of the Chaldeans. " Pelayo said then: "Did not you read in the Scriptures that the Lord's church will be like the grain of mustard seed and grow again by the mercy of God?". The bishop replied: "Truly, it is written." [...] We have to advocate with the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who can get rid of these pagan [...]. Alqama sent then begin the battle, and soldiers took up arms. Rose up the trebuchets, slings were prepared, flashed their swords, spears and curled incessantly launched arrows. But the point were the glories of the Lord: the stones that fell from the trebuchets and arrived at the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was inside the cave, turned against those who shot and killed the Chaldeans. And God does not throw needed but gives the palm of victory he loves, the Chaldeans take flight ... "

So, according to tradition, was due to Santina Pelayo and the brave rebels astures troops succeeded in crushing Al Qama. Later they, and callback request, they managed to catch and load Munuza. It was the moment that started the "reconquista" against the "infidel" Muslims, who completed seven-odd years after the capture of Granada in 1492.

Don Pelayo came to be proclaimed King of Asturias, established his court in Cangas de Onis, and died in 737. Although he was buried in the Abamia church, his remains were finally transported, by order of Alfonso X el Sabio, king of Castile and Leon, to the Holy Cave of Covadonga, supposedly ...

Obviously, from a viewpoint skeptical, as is mine, the story did not. Surely there were thirty thousand astures against Muslims, but many others would also familiar with a complicated orographically area. After all, history often write the winners.

Moreover, Muslims have a different story: according to the Chronicle of al-Maqqari "Anbasa in times of Ibn al-Qalbi Suhaim, rose Galician land a wild ass called Belay [Pelayo]. Since then began Christians in al-Andalus to defend against Muslim lands that remained in his possession, which had not expected to achieve. The Islamists, fighting the polytheists and forcing them to emigrate, had taken over their country until it was Ariyula, land of the Franks, and had conquered Pamplona in Galicia and had not been but the rock where it hides the king named Pelayo with three hundred men. The soldiers did not stop attacking until its soldiers died of starvation and were not in their company, but thirty men and ten women. And they had to eat honey but taking the left by bees in the crevices of the rock. The situation of Muslims became painful, and despised out saying "thirty wild donkeys, what harm can do to us?". In the year 133 died and his son reigned Pelayo Fáfila. Belay The kingdom lasted for nineteen years, and his son, two. "

But the truth is that since then, and probably before, the Cueva de la Santina," toddlers and gallant, "as the song, with its grueling 101 steps, and the Basilica, built between 1877 and 1901, have become important places of worship Marian, both by the Asturian, who have a special I appreciate your Santina (either for religious or merely traditional heritage of his people), and by the English faithful Christians who visit the beautiful enclave mass.

The truth is worth visiting the site of extraordinary beauty and captivating, regardless of religious belief that a practice or stop practicing, and road, shop vueltecilla by the National Park Picos de Europa, which pilla to the layman, with the wonderful Lagos de Covadonga.

whole experience.

"Blessed Queen / of our mountain / that has the throne / the birthplace of Spain. It is Mother and Queen / Come pilgrims / in front of it aspire / aromas divine / and it is the Soul of English people. "

More sources and information: here, here: here: http://es.wikipedia. org / wiki / Roderico here: here: and here: http:// / wiki / Santa_Cueva_de_Covadonga .

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SANTINA Rosa Luxemburg. Writer and political theorist. Origin is unknown date. Zero

"Whoever does not move, do not feel the strings"
Rosa Luxemburg. Writer and political theorist. Unknown origin of the event.