Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rate Of Respiration Of Mammals At 10

Five web tools to help you in your academic work

is a wonderful resource to carry out any academic work, regardless of educational level you have. We know that the information can be found on the web is great and very coarse, but other than that there are a lot of online tools that make it easy all the time to do academic work as a thesis, a trial or investigation.
During my university life I have seen the need to use many of these Supplied tools, discard some and stay with the ones I find most useful. Today I would like to share the 5 tools websites that have helped me most when to my academic work .
Among them are some well known and others less so, but they all bailed me on more than one occasion. I hope that will be useful, but also I'd like to share in the comments the ones they have served you and suggest to other readers.


Your computer is dangerous, never rely on it. The data stored there may be lost from time to time. A virus, a coffee spill or simply the death of your hard drive can mean losing hours of work invested. Do not leave anything to chance.
is where enters Dropbox. This tool allows you to do several things. You can share files with other people (if we are doing collaborative work), synchronize folders between multiple computers (allowing you to keep your current job if you use more than one computer) and something very important: create backup your file online s.
addition you will keep your data safe, you'll be able to access your academic work from anywhere and at any time while you have Internet access and a browser. Undoubtedly one of the best tools for storage in the cloud. Zotero

After reading many books and an equal number of websites is often the case that in addition to getting a lot of knowledge, we get lots of references. If they are organized people are likely to have a lot of little cards categorized by reference type, date and author. But if not, surely appreciate a tool to do this for you.
Zotero is the solution to your problems. Is a Firefox extension that lets you manage your bibliographic sources , share them and export them to formats you like . Dramatically reduces the time it takes to create a bibliography, especially in long runs full of references. In truth it's worth using. Remember The Milk

Something that is very common when doing academic work is not knowing what comes next. Many times we are so focused on a stage or chapter of our investigation to finish, we realize we do not know what the next step. After years of experience I have concluded that the simplest solution is the best .
That's what Remember The Milk . An extremely simple service, and popular- that lets you keep a list of things to do. The big advantage is that you can use Gmail on your phone, iPhone either , Android and Blackberry, and also compatibility with other services online, allowing you to synchronize your playlists from anywhere in any time. It's simple yet comprehensive. MindMeister

often structure the ideas in our minds is harder than it sounds and we have difficulties to translate our ideas into text. In these cases are an ideal tool mental maps.
Of all the services to create maps online mental Meister Mind I found the best. One of its greatest advantages is that web application using AJAX when most other services use Flash, making it much lighter. Mind Meister allows you to export your mind maps to image or PDF, create collaborative mind mapping and import maps of some other services. It also has applications for iPhone and iPad.
The free version lets you create and save up to 3 maps, but most times this is more than enough.


Many people see Wikipedia as bad for education. I could not disagree more. The collaborative encyclopedia is a great place to start your research, a very good starting point. Obviously Wikipedia alone is not enough. Are not we a little beyond what is likely to lose valuable information.
One recommendation is to go into the references of articles often find there are many good books on the subject we want to know or news articles with information that can help us, or we can find gems like this List of academic databases and search engines . Wikipedia is not an enemy of education . On the contrary, well used can be a great ally.


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