Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Epson Cx3200 Dia Scannen


Oskarele perpetrated by the record count, just before Christmas of 1887, a young Dutch doctor, with the bizarre name of Marie Eugène François Thomas Dubois arrived in Sumatra, at that time part of the Dutch East Indies, with the intention of finding the oldest human remains of our loved humanity. Dubois

it was caught at a young age with the natural history, graduating as a medical doctor in 1884, going to teach anatomy at the University of Amsterdam. In his student days listened fascinated by the theories of Ernst Haeckel great , which stated that there had to be a missing link between humans and apes (idea he derived years before "The Origin of Species Darwin) , which he named "Pithecanthropus (ape man).

funny thing is that Haeckel believed that the place where he had appeared the Pithecanthropus, the evolutionary later we had been the lost continent Lemuria, discussed sometime in our "The Lost Land."

Haeckel argued that it was an ancient land that was in the Indian Ocean (keep in mind that until 1904 Wegener did not advance the theory of Continental Drift) and sunk by earthquakes.

Fascinated by his own theory instructed his students to find the missing link.

One, Eugene Dubois, he did.

And now you will understand because it was precisely to look for him, the Dutch East Indies ... I was looking for somewhere near ancient Lemuria.

Dubois was an anatomist without the slightest experience paleontology. A little intuition for Haeckel, some by their own intuition and a little too because he got gigs as a Navy doctor Dutch in Sumatra in December 1887, accompanied by his wife and son came to Indonesia.

The strange thing is that until then had only found a few ancient human remains and all by accident.

The fossil record was really little, five incomplete skeletons of Neanderthals, part of a jaw of uncertain human and half a dozen of the Ice Age recently found by a railway workers in a cave in a ravine called "Cro-Magnon, near Les Eyzies (France). The geologist Louis Lartet the first five skeletons found Cro-Magnon in March 1868
Of those specimens, the best preserved, was found by some workers who mined stones from a quarry in Gibraltar in 1848, so its preservation was a miracle, though, unfortunately, no one had realized it really was. Been described at a meeting of the Scientific Society of Gibraltar and then sent the Hunterian Museum in London, where he laid a half-century on a shelf gathering dust.
studied properly, the Neanderthals probably be called the Man in Gibraltar.

gibraltarensis Homo ...

But the merit took human remains discovered in the Neander Valley in Germany (something very strange, because "Neander" is Greek for "new man" ...), where, in 1856, other hard workers of a quarry found in the wall of a ravine on the river Düsseldorf, strangers bones handed over to a local teacher, interested in natural history. The teacher, named Johann Karl Fuhlrott , had the merit of realizing it was a new type of human being, but could not say "exactly" was.

The truth is that almost sparked a controversy that lasts to this day. There were many who deny that those were old Neanderthal bones. August Mayer, for example, a professor at the University of Bonn renowned, insisted they were the remains of a Mongolian soldier wounded in combat in 1814 and had been dragged to the cave to die. The famous TH Huxley from England, said in response to Mayer, which seemed very strange that a wounded soldier had climbed twenty meters from a cliff wall, despite being mortally wounded, had been detached from their clothes and personal belongings and have closed the entrance and buried under 60 inches ground.

Just wanted to be quiet ...

Even some people, shocked and bewildered by the large brow ridge, suggested he had had a frown for a long time for the pain that it caused a poorly healed fracture in the arm ... there are people for everything .

At about this time was when Dubois, urged by the great Haeckel, pyrogen pa Sumatra is intended to find the missing link there ... and go you found it.

More information and sources here , here , here, here


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