Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Get Botticelli Curls

Google Cloud Connect can integrate Office documents with Google Docs

For if it were not unclear at this point that the office in cloud is the future, Google has introduced a tool that will give a good boost for Google Docs and to follow positioning as an alternative to Microsoft Office , Cloud is Connect a tool allowing the possibility to integrate seamlessly with the cloud of the first documents in the second. It may seem trivial but those who are faithful users Docs, the mere fact that you can use a document and also can do so simultaneously and in the cloud users Office is something that we had been waiting long time. In my particular case will mean being able to do collaborative class work without having to keep explaining it is that of Google Docs (Even if they lose it), simply install a plugin and ready.
time ago I stopped office software suites install on my computer, the primary responsibility of that happening is Google Docs. I have nothing against Microsoft Office , on the contrary, I think is one of the best pieces of hardware that Microsoft has created (ironically I think it's even better than the Windows ), even a version for Mac just fantastic, same with the suite of Apple iWork . But is that the advantages of working in the cloud I have at least in my case too much weight to ignore so easily.
The basic tool which allows to work with a local document in Office , which is permanently synchronized with the online version of Google Docs also saves Google all copies of individual users thereby creating a list of versions that can be very useful in case something goes wrong or if some data is lost, just as is common in most collaborative systems in the cloud, when establishing local changes at that time because we do not have a connection, then we asked what are the changes we want to keep, whether local or from the cloud. The importance and Cloud Connect Google does not lie in the possibilities that are not anything new or different from what we've seen so far but in the possibility of integrating that are probably the two most popular office suites (with iWork permit )
movement also represents a hard rebuke to Microsoft Office and coming quite late to the whole world of cloud computing and still has not fully functional so at least their particular project office in the cloud, Office 365 , is expected to be ready by year's end , we are increasingly those who left the office desktop to launch into the office of your browser.


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