Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What Does Jeff Hardys Hand Sign Mean

Some weeks ago I Was wondering if Project Management Public Sector WAS Indeed So Different from one private. If the know-how coming from the one Would Be transferred to the Other and vice versa. I Was Interviewed by an NGO and, as a good candidate, tried to find answers to the question Relevant. Even if somehow NGOs Are What It Is Called the Third Sector, Between Public and Pivato, my point WAS to find the reason why Private Sector Consider Project Managers Are so appart ones from the Public sector, at least in Spain.
Today I've just found in Twitter (@ thegreenpm ) an interesting post related to my thoughts. Unfortunately for the rest of the world the country is again reference the Same!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cortical Irregularity

Public Sector Project Management 2009 in Copenhagen lies the Earth. RIP 2.0

When some countries considered "almost thugs" withdraw from an agreement without semantics, which should be precisely the case agreement with the fifth power ( ?) is devoted to criticizing the withdrawal (unless exceptions) instead of shouting against the inefficiency system (?) political and global decision-making, which has proved capable of orchestrating maneuvers deep draft and agree with astonishing speed to save private firms (eg banking), and yet you miss to preserve what is essential, so you / gives us life, the environment, which is what surrounds us and we are ourselves a time.
And meanwhile, is classified as "society" (as the operation of Belén Esteban aesthetic to illustrate with an example) the news on Greenpeace activists still in custody.
Now I understand why Copenhagen has Another Brick in the Wall

Friday, December 18, 2009

Soulsilver Follow Sprites

Public Diplomacy: theory pure and simple

charge on my public diplomacy issues I run into this article recently published in The Journal of International Security Affairs . It is long known signature and appears dense. Come on, who has everything, everything to become a contemporary classic 2.0. I study and I will tell you. Or you tell me?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Social networks and divide

speak of social networks among us. But who are we? We are 1 in 4. Only? Yes, we are losing 3! Where are they? Never read this post, do not know what an online social network or personal brand, and branding, also have an email address, or even access to public information (someday I'll write a post on the right to know and the right to ask about access to public information) can not make an appointment to become the DNI, or read an e-book, or send a resume to a job online, ...
For all of us as a society, on the other 3 will not read this post, for the 1 that potentially will read, for the 4, support the letter For a real human network: social responsibility pact